Labor Endowment, Cultivated Land Fragmentation, and Ecological Farming Adoption Strategies among Farmers inJiangxi Province, China


Jie Zhang, Meiqiu Chen, Chang Huang, and Zhaohao Lai

Research Center on Rural Land Resources Use and Protection, Jiangxi Agricultural University

The Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Basin Agricultural Resources and Ecology

Abstract:A deeper understanding of the factors that influence the ecological farming adoption strategies of farmers can help in developing effective adaptation measures to mitigate the degradation of cultivated land quality and ecological degradation. This study used a stratified random sampling technique to select 1488 households in Jiangxi Province, while the double-hurdle model was used to analyze the influence of labor endowments (LEs) and cultivated land fragmentation (CLF) on ecological farming decision-making. The results indicate that LEs and CLF play important roles in farmers’ decision-making with regard to ecological farming. To be more specific, the total household population and CLF have negative effects on adoption willingness, while the number of laborers has a positive effect. For the degree of adoption, the total household population has a negative effect, while the number of laborers and part-time employment have positive effects. In addition, farmers’ ecological farming behavior is also influenced by factors such as education, agricultural income, cooperatives, and agricultural subsidies. Overall, farmers have a high willingness to adopt ecological farming, but the degree of actual adoption is low. This is not conducive to the promotion of ecological farming techniques and the sustainable development of agriculture in China. The study proposes that the government should further improve financial investment and provide relevant technical services. In addition, a temporary work platform should be set up for farmers to encourage them to find other work during the agricultural low season. 

摘要:深入了解影响农民生态耕作采纳策略的因素,有助于制定有效的适应措施,缓解耕地质量下降和生态环境恶化的问题。本研究采用分层随机抽样技术,在江西省选取了1488户农户,同时采用双栏模型分析劳动力禀赋( LEs )和耕地细碎化( CLF )对生态种植决策的影响。结果表明,劳动力禀赋和耕地细碎化在农民的生态农业决策中发挥着重要作用。更具体地说,家庭总人口和耕地碎片对采用意愿有负向影响,而劳动力数量有正向影响。对于采纳程度来说,家庭总人口有负效应,而劳动力数量和兼业有正效应。此外,农民的生态耕作行为还受到教育、农业收入、合作社和农业补贴等因素的影响。总的来说,农民采用生态农业的意愿很高,但实际采用的程度却很低。这不利于中国生态农业技术的推广和农业的可持续发展。研究提出,政府应进一步加大财政投入,提供相关技术服务。此外,应该为农民建立一个临时工作平台,鼓励他们在农业淡季寻找其他工作。


下载链接:Labor Endowment, Cultivated Land Fragmentation, and Ecological Farming Adoption Strategies among Farmers inJiangxi Province, China.pdf