Drivers of the peasant households’ part-time farming behavior in China


Yanfei Lu, Meiqiu Chen, Zhenlin Weng

The Research Center on Rural Land Resources Use and Protection, Jiangxi Agriculture University

Abstract:Rural households in China are now diversifying from full-time agriculture to part-time griculture where they are engaging in different off-farm activities along with farming. Understanding the driving factors that affect the peasant households' part-time farming behavior has significant implications for rural developing and farm income support policy. This study intend to identify the driving factors to affect the peasant households' part-time farming behavior and present some corresponding proposals. A total sample of 2074 households from 3 district 9 provinces was selected through purposive sampling technique. While confirming some findings of previous research with respect to the effects of human capital and household peasant characteristics on part-time farming participation, this study shows differential impact of those variables. The results show that the degree of part-time farming in eastern China is higher than that in central and western China. There is a small difference between central and western China. The top 5 factors influencing the peasant household's part-time behavior, in order, are the area of farmland per capita (AFC), the distance from village to county center (TCC), the proportion of paddy field (PPF), the distance from village to town center (TTC), and the householder's age (A). It shows that the influencing factors vary among different regions based on the analysis of eastern, central and western China. The study recommends the implementation of policies that facilitate rural off-farm activities and enhance balanced economic growth of the country.


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